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Goat Simulator Payday 1.0.1 Apk + Data for Android

Goat Simulator Payday 1.0.1 Apk + Data for Android

Goat Simulator Payday Android thumb

    by Rexdl ยท October 4, 2017

  • Current Version: 1.0.1
  • File size: 16 MB + 447 MB
  • Memorize:


Goat Simulator Payday

Goat Simulator: Payday is the most criminally realistic goat simulation yet! Starring 4 new main thugs โ€“ A flying flamingo, a wheelchairing dolphin, a spitting camel and a goat thatโ€™s just really handsome.

Use PRANKNET ยฉ to find your new crew some smash & grab heists, then blast away your stolen cash on different things. Mostly masks. Okay only masks.

Dodge the police by stealing and driving other peopleโ€™s cars, because itโ€™s too expensive to buy your own.

โ€“ FOUR AWESOME NEW MAIN GOATS, seriously these guys are like theyโ€™re from an Al Pancake movie.
โ€“ One can fly and control peopleโ€™s brains, another can climb any surface with a wheelchair and a third can spit water that it stores in itโ€™s back. Disgusting.
โ€“ PRANKNET โ€“ a database filled with stupid โ€œjobsโ€ for your crew to do. But who cares. They pay well.
โ€“ Buy masks to disguise your identity so that the police wonโ€™t catch you. Or just to look cool.
โ€“ There are like 14 new mutators to unlock. Iโ€™m not even kidding. So many.
โ€“ Did I say that you can steal and drive cars?


Goat Simulator Payday released!


  1. โ€œAPKโ€ install it on your device.
  2. โ€œcom.coffeestainstudios.goatsimulator.paydayโ€ folder โ€œandroid / obbโ€ copy into.
  3. Enter the game.
Goat Simulator Payday Apk

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Goat Simulator Payday 1.0.1 Apk + Data for Android
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