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Tap Flight : Beyond Tail 2.60 Apk + Mod Money for Android

Tap Flight : Beyond Tail 2.60 Apk + Mod Money for Android

Tap Flight : Beyond Tail Android thumb

    by Rexdl ยท March 14, 2019

  • Current Version: 2.60
  • File size: 94 MB | 75 MB
  • Memorize:


Tap Flight : Beyond Tail

Historical Fighter / Bomber Squadrons and Tracer bullets, Trails

You can play legendary World war 1 and 2 air combat without any controls.

Upgrade your squadron by air combat and air raid.

who will be reach the jet era first?

โ–ถ Upgrade your air fleet with budget that earned automatically.
โ€“ From the WW1 biplane to WW2 jet fighter! (Spitfire / Bf109 / Fw190 / Me262 and more)

โ–ถ Shoot down the enemy planes with machine gun and Anti aircraft guns.
โ€“ Aim the machine gun to the enemy to protect the bombers!

โ–ถ Take the air superiority!
โ€“ Take down the enemy squadrons!

โ–ถ Perform the air raid mission.
โ€“ Drop the bomb accurately and earn the huge budget!

โ–ถ Overpower enemies with overwhelming technology.
โ€“ Upgrade your item to the maximum!

โ–ถ Show your legendary achievement to the enemy.
โ€“ Awarded medals and put on your uniform to earn a special ability.

โ–ถ Manage your front with allies!
โ€“ Communicate with ally using secret telegrams!

โ–ถ Observe the dynamic air warfare!
โ€“ Watch realistic air combat in sunny weather, snow storms and thunderstorms!

โ€ป Minimum specifications: Samsung Galaxy S3 / S4 LTE-A / LG G2 or higher


2018.05.08 โ€“ 2.60 Update History
* History battle shortened play time
* Added new custom (MiG-15 โ€“ PLAAF)

Tap Flight : Beyond Tail Apk

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