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Unknown HERO 3.0.237 Apk + Mod (Skill) for Android

Unknown HERO 3.0.237 Apk + Mod (Skill) for Android

Unknown HERO Android thumb

    by Rexdl ยท May 23, 2019

  • Current Version: 3.0.237
  • File size: 58 MB
  • Memorize:


Unknown HERO Mod

20k Download Achieved!

RPG games created by solo developers!

Combine various items, skills and attributes to create the ultimate character!

โ–ถ Simple RPG
โ€“ Hunting, eating items, hunting the boss ~!

โ–ถ Item Farming
โ€“ Catch monsters until you get the item you like ~!
โ€“ Become more powerful with set items ~!

โ–ถ Various skills
โ€“ Required to acquire more powerful monsters and skill!
โ€“ Use monsters with various skills!

โ–ถ Character characteristics
โ€“ Maximize your characterโ€™s ability!

โ–ถ Difficulty Monster
โ€“ Hunting on high difficulty, eat good items and head to higher places!

[Contact us for payment and restoration]
Please provide your receipt number and game nickname to help@implayer.kr.

[Contact Developer]
Line Id : implayerline

[Permission Description]
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Check network connection
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Confirm wifi connection
GET_TASKS: Get the task
INTERNET: Internet access
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Read external storage file
VIBRATE: Use vibration
WAKE_LOCK: Screen is on
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Write external storage file
BILLING: Billing enabled
CHECK_LICENSE: License check
RECEIVE: Enable push messages
RECORD_AUDIO: Voice recording when making videos.

Unknown HERO Apk + Mod (Skills)

Unknown HERO Apk

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Unknown HERO 3.0.237 Apk + Mod (Skill) for Android
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