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Wall Breaker 2 21.00.04 Apk + Mod (Skills) for Android

Wall Breaker 2 21.00.04 Apk + Mod (Skills) for Android

Wall Breaker 2 Android thumb

    by Rexdl ยท May 23, 2019

  • Current Version: 21.00.04
  • File size: 63 MB | 63 MB
  • Memorize:

Unlimited and inexhaustible skill


Wall Breaker 2 Apk

Break every wall that stands in your way!
When youโ€™re angry and stressed,
release the rage with Wall breaker2

We have added the long awaited features
-Skill Evolution System,
-Idle Game System
-Practice Mode System
-UI Optimization

We donโ€™t plan to stop there!!

Changing the time of the device will automatically result to a ban.
Please do not change the time to reset cooldowns of boxes.

Home page

โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– Game Introductionโ– โ– โ– โ– โ– 

This game was created for the following people!

โ–ท Those who have a hard time punching walls
โ–ท Those who secretly want to destroy things
โ–ท Those with horrible bosses
โ–ท When your paycheck is smaller than your bills
โ–ท Those who need anger management
โ–ท When you passionately want to do nothing
โ–ท When you fall trying to tie your shoe laces
โ–ท When youโ€™re in the toilet, constipated

Smash the Walls 2 will handle it all.

โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– How to Playโ– โ– โ– โ– โ– 

โ–ท Find out how much damage you deal through practice mode!
โ–ท Level-up and destroy all the walls!
โ–ท Various stats and skills to create your own unique character.
โ–ท Become a top-ranker through the challenge mode.
โ–ท Escape from a variety of stages!
โ–ท Open boxes and unleash the powers of Troll Kim!

Your reviews are preciouse to us. Please rate the app.^^


โ€“ Added Skill โ€˜Blind bombing Modeโ€™
โ€“ Add โ€˜Iron maskโ€™
โ€“ Add โ€˜Robot Handโ€™ gloves
โ€“ Add โ€˜slot add packageโ€™
โ€“ Add โ€˜Clan master delegateโ€™
โ€“ Add โ€˜attendance checkโ€™
โ€“ Add 5 kinds of runes
1) Hidden power
2) poison gas
3) Powerful bombing
4) Precise bombing
5) Enhance Blind bombing mode
Wall Breaker 2 Apk Mod

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Wall Breaker 2 21.00.04 Apk + Mod (Skills) for Android
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