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World of Warships Blitz 2.2.0 Full Apk + Data for Android

World of Warships Blitz 2.2.0 Full Apk + Data for Android

World of Warships Blitz Android thumb

    by Rexdl ยท May 22, 2019

  • Current Version: 2.2.0
  • File size: 64 MB + 0.98 GB
  • Memorize:


World of Warships Blitz

World of Warships Blitz is a free-to-play mobile MMO action game by Wargaming and is based on the award winning PC version of World of Warships.

World of Warships Blitz brings the World War 2 naval strategy and action of PC to the highly immersive, quick and fast paced action on mobile and tablet.

You can now master the steel juggernauts from a variety of Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers and even Aircraft carriers , and jump straight into quick, action-packed 7vs7 epic warships battles no matter where you are!

A truly free-to-play game. No timers, energy bars, fuelโ€”play as much as you want and whenever you want.


Update 2.2 has docked! Introducing platooning from your Port & more!
โ€“ Team up, prepare your ship, and queue for battle directly from your Port. Full speed ahead, commanders!
โ€“ The Battle mode and selection UI has been redesigned.
โ€“ We made Fleet pages more accessible.
โ€“ UI improvements for aircraft carriers during battle.
โ€“ The Trophy values for Leagues have been adjusted.
โ€“ 4 new league portraits have been added.
โ€“ Memory optimizations, bug fixes, and more!


  1. โ€œAPKโ€ install it on your device.
  2. โ€œnet.wargaming.wows.blitzโ€ folder โ€œandroid / obbโ€ copy into.
  3. Enter the game.
World of Warships Blitz Apk

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World of Warships Blitz 2.2.0 Full Apk + Data for Android
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